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Master en Sciences biomèdicales

Aantal beurzen:
2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022: "Bourse Sibylle de Spoelbergh"

Onderzoek in het kort !


Functional characterization of a new microglia-enriched gene

Project supervisor

Valerie Wittamer

Labo of hospitaal waar het project plaatsvindt

Laboratory of Valerie Wittamer, Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Biologie Humaine et Moleculaire (IRIBHM)

Objectives of research

The objective of the present project is to delineate the properties and role of gpr157, a promising microglia enriched-gene. We will develop a program that combines expression analyses in clinical samples, in vitro studies and state-of-the-art in vivo experiments in the zebrafish model to investigate its functions in microglia physiology and pathology.

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