4th year of complementary master in Paediatrics
Doctor in Medicine, 2016
Master in Medicine, 2016
Bachelor in Medicine, 2011
Aantal beurzen:
2018-2019 - 2019-2020: "Bourse de la fondation Haas-Teichen"
Evaluation of the immune response to M-Like surface proteins in a controlled human infection model of group A streptoccocus pharyngitis
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
The study consists in a controlled human infection challenge for group A streptococcal (GAS) infections. The aim is to investigate the host-pathogen interaction between GAS and the human, in order to fast-track development of GAS vaccines, diagnostic approaches and new therapeutics.
The global objective of the study is to develop a controlled human infection model of GAS pharyngitis.
The specific objective is to evaluate the human immune response to a trio of GAS surface proteins namely M, MRP and ENN.