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Master en Biologie Médicale à l’ULB obtenu en juin 2017

Aantal beurzen:
2017-2018: "Bourse Paul Danblon " | 2018-2019 - 2019-2020: "Bourse ARTHUR forever"


Role of micro-RNAs in gender dimorphism of the inflammatory response

Project supervisor

Prof. Chamekh Mustapha et Casimir Georges

Labo of hospitaal waar het project plaatsvindt

Laboratory of pediatry, ULB

Objectives of research

- Decipher the potential role of X chromosome-linked miRNA transcripts in the sexual dimorphism of the inflammatory response
Specific objectives:
- Comparative study miRNAs expression profiles between males and females in inflammatory setting
- Characterization of the potential role of differentially expressed miRNA candidates in the modulation of the inflammatory response

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